in todays lesson im going to teach you how to make a paper flower. in my opinion its very easy to make so youll get the hang of it after a few tries. your will need the following metearials: one peaice of paper and s. and a penciel if you want to make your flower perfect. with these meterials you will make a lovely flower like the picture above. i hope this lesson teaches you something and i hope it helps you. please leave a comment after and tell me if i need improve ment. Thank you ;)...
First step: first of all you'll need a blank piece  of paper and its okay to have a design paper or a colored paper it will just make the flower look prettier. Then your going to cut the paper in a circle.
Second step: Now your going to lightly draw circles in you big circles like the picture on the top. then your going to cut it on the line you drawed.
After you have cut the paper then you will roll it from the tip and on to the bottem. Onec you got it all rolled dont be afraid to let it go. after letting go make sure it un rolls a little to make it look bigger and prettier. Lastly you will hot glue the bottem and stick it on the bottem paper that you have not rolled.
After doing these steps you will get a cute little or big flower and i hope you enjoyed this lesson as much as i did..... :)

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