Step one: before you watch this video you will need the following materials so that you can follow along on what she says. first of all you'll need the floral foam, and greens so that you can fill the floral foam with all the greens you have. also don't forget to put the floral foam on top of the floral bowl :).
Step two: after that, once you have all your greens in then you are going to get your flowers and add them to the floral foam.. first your going to grab one flower and place it in from the top of the floral foam and then your going to add flowers on the side add the other flowers in and make sure you don't put it in randomly if your having troubles the lady in the video will explain in the video if you don't understand my explanation ;)..
Step four: after doing those steps and you got everything done then you should have a nice floral arrangement enjoy.
Ms. Ioimo
12/3/2012 02:15:19 am

LOVE IT!! Great job with organizing your website. I really enjoy how you set up your blogs and how you incorporate pictures and videos. Keep up the great work!


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